I’m estatic …

I’ve got jeans that fit, no back gaposis, YES!!

After being worn all day

 I have joined the ever increasing number of ladies who are loving the Jalie Stretch Jeans pattern 2908.

Over at PatternReview.com they had an online course back in August “Blue Prints to Blue Jeans” by Jennifer Stern, J. Stern Designs, this is just what I needed to get me organised to make up the Jalie Jeans pattern that has been in my stash for a while. 

The amount of information that Jennifer has available for the course is amazing and her knowledge and willingness to assist with fitting issue to the course attendees on line was incredible.

One of my sewing buddies from Alexandria Achievers was also doing the course and as I was away she offered to find some “toile” denim for us both and found these amazing remnants of white stretch denim from the Remnant Warehouse for both of us.

I had these cut out in Size R when we had our “fitting session” with Angie Zimmerman back in August, so I took along my coverstitch machine and used the chain stitch to whip these up so Angie could fine tune them for me.

The adjustments that Angie made were minor:
–  take 1.5cm from the top of the back yoke back to the original pattern at the centre back notch (with the pattern pieces pinned together on the stitching lines)
– deepen the back crotch curve

 and then the back waistband looks like this

I also took 1cm off the width from the hem to the knee on both sides of the front and back patterns.

Note:  I used 1.5cm seam allowances as I didn’t’ read the instructions !!

It then took me to November to stitch these up when I packed them up to attend the ASG Bribie Island Sewing Retreat with my DM for my DS’s special birthday (how perfect time with family and sewing).

They didn’t get finished at the weekend but at the ASG meeting at Rhodes a week later they were all but finished.  Hems done and dropped them into Mick’s for the buttonhole and rivets and here they are at the end of a days wear.

Here is the pocket design which I copied the idea from the review that susiestitcher has on PatternReview.com

You will definitely be seeing more of the Jalie 2908 Jeans in the future, as well as the rascal below!!

14 thoughts on “I’m estatic …

  1. They look great! I bought two pairs of Levis Bold Curve when I was in the US last year and only yesterday I started the arduous task of copying the pattern. I plan to try and copy them over christmas. Maybe I should just buy this pattern.


  2. Wow…fit perfection! The white denim really kicks up the style factor. Think I'll use some blue for a toile and save the white for \”best\” ! Now I need to remember where i stashed with the pattern tracing…. ; -*


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